Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fine fine

I give in, I will disrupt my ordered blog to also submit the charcoal and pencil drawing I also submitted in my portfolio to Ringling.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Tomorrow is my 18th Birthday!

funny pictures of cats with captions

I am overjoyed this day has finally come, not so much for the popular reasons other high school kids are but this means independence, no more depending on signatures to take care of myself. I'm also looking forward to getting a credit card, also not for the usual reasons, lol to build credit [I quite the boring adult]. I just hope to be financially dependent and secure. Although I was hoping to go to the keys over spring break to celebrate and those plans fell through because of financial reasons, its still going to be nice to celebrate it with family. Plans: Olive Garden with family, the shopping. Unfortunately my boyfriend isn't going to be there because he scheduled himself to work that day..unknowingly. Ah well, it was so he could get yesterday off to go to the beach with me and a friend [and her boyfriend], so it was already made up for. I hadn't hung out with this friend since 6th grade and we just recently got in touch so it really meant a lot and made my birthday even more memorable.

I did say that if I didn't get the McKelvey Entrepreneurial $40,000 Scholarship it would be a "birthday ruiner" since it was a 50/50 chance I would get it..but I will survive. It's just realizing more debt for the first course on the menu that is a little disappointing. I don't know why I've had such terrible luck with scholarships. The only thing that keeps me happy after such disappointing news is knowing I got into Ringling and thats enough of an accomplishment, and certainly the strongest hope I've held. I think I've confirmed I am more excited to go to Accepted Student Day than my own birthday. I can't wait!